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Signing Service
Electronic signature
Electronic seals
Electronic certificate
Electronic timestamps
Signing Service
Service capacity and performance
API integration and setup
Error patterns
Terms of use
Identification methods
SRS Video EU
BankIdent CH
SRS Video Ident CH
SRS Auto Ident CH
SRS Selfie Ident EU
SRS Direct
Smart Registration Service
SRS API integration and setup
RA agency
RA app
RA admin portal
Administration of RA agents
RA agency contract and compliance
Troubleshooting for Standard RA agent
Troubleshooting for Master RA agent
SRS Ident Website
Authentication and signature approval means
Mobile ID
Password and SMS-code method (PWD/OTP)
General legal and regulatory questions
Data privacy
DocuSign and Swisscom
DocuSign QES Adapter
Purchase and billing of our products
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Help Center
Signing Service
Electronic signature
Electronic seals
Electronic certificate
Electronic timestamps
Signing Service
Service capacity and performance
API integration and setup
Error patterns
Terms of use
Identification methods
SRS Video EU
BankIdent CH
SRS Video Ident CH
SRS Auto Ident CH
SRS Selfie Ident EU
SRS Direct
Smart Registration Service
SRS API integration and setup
RA agency
RA app
RA admin portal
Administration of RA agents
RA agency contract and compliance
Troubleshooting for Standard RA agent
Troubleshooting for Master RA agent
SRS Ident Website
Authentication and signature approval means
Mobile ID
Password and SMS-code method (PWD/OTP)
General legal and regulatory questions
Data privacy
DocuSign and Swisscom
DocuSign QES Adapter
Purchase and billing of our products
Signing Service
Answers to questions about Signing Service
Service capacity and performance
Do you know how many documents I can send with a bulk signature?
How many signature requests per minute can our system currently handle?
Are batch signatures possible with Signing Service?
I did some mass tests, but the performance of the service is poor.
API integration and setup
How to embed a signed hash into a PDF-document
Which digital file formats are supported by Signing Service?
How much space does a signature need in a document?
What is the setup procedure for a personal signature with Signing Service?
Can I integrate the password/OTP screen into a website or application?
Are there libraries that simplify the handling of PDFs?
How does the initial setup of a seal certificate with the Signing Service work?
Do you know if PKCS#1 is supported?
Can we issue advanced and qualified signatures via one connection (ClaimedIdentity)?
Can I adjust the color or font type of the password/OTP screen?
Is there an API instead of password/OTP screen integration?
Can I configure the PWD/OTP screen text or Mobile ID text?
Why does the validator display an invalid electronic signature?
Which PDF format should I use during an electronic signature in our signing application?
Can I provide a document with an organizational signature (static signature) and a personal signature (on-demand) in a signing application?
Is screen scraping for entering a password and SMS code method (PWD/OTP) possible?
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Error patterns
What does serial number mismatch mean?
I get an error message after the verification call about an unknown person.
Adobe reports the error that the signature is invalid because it could not be validated.
Terms of use
Is mobile reception of the SMS with the terms of use of Signing Service also guaranteed worldwide?
I am still waiting to receive the SMS with the terms of use of Swisscom Signing Service. What do I have to do?
Would it be possible to unsubscribe from the signing service?
Can I use a landline phone instead of a mobile phone for the SMS reception with the terms of use?
Why does Swisscom use the long number SMS format?
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