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Electronic signature
Electronic signature
Electronic seals
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Electronic timestamps
Signing Service
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SRS Video EU
BankIdent CH
SRS Video Ident CH
SRS Auto Ident CH
SRS Selfie Ident EU
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Administration of RA agents
RA agency contract and compliance
Troubleshooting for Standard RA agent
Troubleshooting for Master RA agent
SRS Ident Website
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General legal and regulatory questions
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DocuSign and Swisscom
DocuSign QES Adapter
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Help Center
Electronic signature
Electronic signature
Electronic seals
Electronic certificate
Electronic timestamps
Signing Service
Service capacity and performance
API integration and setup
Error patterns
Terms of use
Identification methods
SRS Video EU
BankIdent CH
SRS Video Ident CH
SRS Auto Ident CH
SRS Selfie Ident EU
SRS Direct
Smart Registration Service
SRS API integration and setup
RA agency
RA app
RA admin portal
Administration of RA agents
RA agency contract and compliance
Troubleshooting for Standard RA agent
Troubleshooting for Master RA agent
SRS Ident Website
Authentication and signature approval means
Mobile ID
Password and SMS-code method (PWD/OTP)
General legal and regulatory questions
Data privacy
DocuSign and Swisscom
DocuSign QES Adapter
Purchase and billing of our products
Electronic signature
General questions about electronic signature
Are there references to Swisscom customers who use electronic signatures?
Would it be possible to sign electronically without mobile reception?
With which signature level and in which legal area can a person sign electronically after identification?
What is the difference between different signature levels?
How to validate electronic signatures?
Is the registration for advanced electronic signatures also valid for five years, like for qualified electronic signatures?
Does the “green check” in Adobe indicate the validity of an electronic signature?
Can I place multiple electronic signatures on a document?
Can I prevent the reproduction of signed original documents?
What is an advanced and qualified electronic signature? What is the difference between these signatures?
What do you recommend for signing a document when only one party has QES and the other party signs paper-based?
How to register for the qualified electronic signature?
Do you offer XML signatures for Annual financial statements in Poland ?
Why does my electronic signature not work?
How do I know if I am correctly registered for the electronic signature and if I can sign? Where can I check this?