Author: Ingolf Rauh

Q4/2024: Splitting of timestamping instances EU/CH

Currently, we have a combined timestamp that is valid in the EU under eIDAS as a qualified electronic timestamp and also under ZertES in Switzerland. This timestamp originates from an EU Certificate Authority (CA) and is recognized by Switzerland. However, with the introduction of Third Party Trust Lists, which are used to validate signatures based on the Third Party Trust List Switzerland or the Trust List EU, a combined timestamp that is only listed on the EU Trust List (since an element cannot be listed twice in a global context) will lead to validation difficulties.The Third Party Trust List Switzerland has now been published and will increasingly be used in validators over the coming months. Therefore, we will soon separate the timestamps for the EU and Swiss legal areas again. Personal signatures will automatically be provided with the correct timestamps, so the application does not need to handle this. Customers with a timestamp "only" application will be contacted separately soon and informed about the parameter changes. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let us know!

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