Associations and memberships

Swisscom Trust Service is proud to be a member of several associations and societies. With our membership, our crucial values of trust and innovation are represented and contributed to important European bodies.

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Bitkom e.V.

Founded in 1999, the registered association Bitkom represents more than 2,000 member companies - including around 1,000 high-performing SMEs, over 500 innovative tech start-ups, almost half of the 40 DAX companies, and many other global players.
Bitkom's members provide software and IT services, telecommunications or internet services, manufacture devices and components, are active in the digital media or network industries, or are otherwise part of the digital economy.

More about Bitkom


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European Signature Dialogue

The European Signature Dialogue is an association of the most important European providers of electronic signatures. The first European Signature Dialogue occurred on 1 and 2 June 2017 in Vienna, Austria. The platform created a common voice of leading European stakeholders to address the need for consistency between EU and national requirements and to make Europe a strong player in authentication and cybersecurity.


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eco Verband Logo

eco Association

With around 1,000 member companies, eco is Europe's largest Internet industry association. Since 1995, eco has been instrumental in shaping the Internet, promoting new technologies, creating framework conditions, and representing the interests of its members vis-à-vis politicians and international bodies. The reliability and strengthening of the digital infrastructure, IT security, trust, and ethically oriented digitalization are the focal points of the association's work. eco is committed to a free, technology-neutral, and powerful Internet.


More about eco Verband

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Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V. (TeleTrusT)

The Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V. (TeleTrusT) is a competence network comprising domestic and foreign members from industry, administration, consulting, and science, and thematically related partner organizations. Due to its broad membership and partner organizations, TeleTrusT embodies the largest competence network for IT security in Germany and Europe.


More about TeleTrust

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CAST e.V. offers a wide range of services in the security of modern information technologies and is the contact for IT security issues. Its competence network imparts knowledge about IT security technology at all levels of education - from support for the IT security major at TU Darmstadt to in-service training and continuing education. With information events, consulting, workshops, and tutorials, CAST supports users in selecting and using needs-based security technology.
CAST e.V. aims to confront the growing importance of IT security in all branches of the economy and areas of public administration with the necessary competence and to develop it further.


More about CAST