Author: Mario Voge

FAQ: European Digital Identity Wallets (EDIWs)

Understanding European Digital Identity Wallets (EDIWs)

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, European Digital Identity Wallets (EDIWs) significantly advance how personal identification data is managed and shared. Launched under the eIDAS 2.0 framework, EDIWs enable EU citizens, residents, and businesses to store, manage, and share their IDs securely, driving licenses, education records, and other personal data from their mobile devices. This FAQ provides insights into EDIWs, covering their implementation, business benefits, diverse use cases, and much more. Explore these details to understand how EDIWs can enhance privacy, security, and efficiency in digital interactions and transactions.

1. What are EDIWs?

European Digital Identity Wallets (EDIWs) are secure digital tools launched by the European Union under the eIDAS 2.0 framework. They allow EU citizens, residents, and businesses to store, manage, and share personal identification data, such as IDs, driving licenses, and education records, directly from their mobile devices. These wallets enhance privacy and security by allowing users to control what information they share and with whom.

2. How will EDIWs be implemented across EU member states?

Each EU Member State must provide at least one European Digital Identity Wallet within 24 months of adopting specific implementing legislation, expected between 2024 and 2025. Member States or recognized independent entities may provide these wallets directly. The application software will be open source to ensure transparency and security, although some components may remain closed for justified reasons.

3. What are the primary benefits of using EDIWs for businesses?

Businesses can gain several benefits from integrating EDIWs into their operations. Improved security is achieved through advanced security protocols that reduce the risk of fraud. Enhanced user experience by streamlining registration and login procedures, ultimately increasing customer satisfaction. Cost efficiency is achieved by reducing the administrative costs associated with manual identity verification. Compliance with stringent EU data protection regulations, such as GDPR, ensures regulatory compliance. Market expansion is facilitated by enabling businesses to verify identities across EU borders quickly. Trust and credibility are enhanced as government-recognized identities increase customer confidence. Data control and privacy are maintained by allowing users to manage their data-sharing preferences.



4. What use cases do EDIWs support?

EDIWs have many applications in different sectors. They simplify identity verification for online and offline banking, telecommunications, and public services. Secure access to services such as finance and healthcare is facilitated without the need for traditional forms of ID or physical documents. Cross-border services are streamlined, ensuring compliance with EU-wide regulations while maintaining high-security standards. E-government interactions are enhanced, allowing citizens and businesses to interact more efficiently with services such as tax returns and permits. In healthcare, EDIWs manage access to medical records while ensuring privacy. E-commerce platforms can use EDIWs to increase customer confidence and streamline checkout processes, especially for age-restricted products. In real estate, they simplify tenant screening and leases, reduce fraud, and simplify legal processes.

5. How do EDIWs ensure data privacy and security?

EDIWs are designed with stringent security measures and are GDPR compliant. They offer features such as encrypted local storage, secure authentication, pseudonym generation, and transaction tracking. Users are immediately notified of any security breaches, and the wallets include measures to prevent the tracking and linking of user transactions. Users have sole control over their data, including requesting data deletion and exercising data portability rights.

6. What is the timeline for the rollout of EDIWs?

Key dates for implementing the EDIW include the publication of eIDAS 2.0 on 30 April 2024 and the Regulation entering into force on 20 May 2024. Implementing acts setting out implementation details are expected in late 2024 to 2025, and Member State wallets are expected to be available in 2026. The European Commission will review the Regulation by 21 May 2026, with ongoing progress reports every four years after that.

7. Why should businesses choose Swisscom Trust Services as their partner for EDIW integration?

Swisscom Trust Services is a pan-European leader in digital identity and e-signature solutions and is actively developing new trust service offerings in line with new EU regulations, especially eIDAS. By partnering with us, companies can ensure they are at the forefront of digital identity management and benefit from our expertise and innovative solutions.

Please contact us for a tailored offer and let us know how we can support your EDIW integration needs.




Want to learn more about EDIWs and the potential of advanced online identification?