Author: Marco Schmid

Managed QES Service with Internationally Recognized Legal and Privacy Assurances

Qualified remote signing and WYSIWYS service

The best way to deliver Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) services across different channels is to use remote signing technology. It integrates smoothly with any web application, does not require any software install, plugin, or additional components, and can be used anywhere, at any time, from any device with browsing capacity. Qualified remote signing provides the highest legal value and international acceptance, while What You See Is What You Sign (WYSIWYS) technology delivers a seamless user experience with strong non-repudiation. Combining QES with WYSIWYS is a vital enabler for businesses to provide ultimate security, trust, and convenience with online transactions. This is precisely what the joint Selected Signing Service offers: the possibility to provide Advanced or Qualified Electronic Signatures using a zero-footprint remote signing hosted service featuring WYSIWYS functionality.

Download the full Solution Brief Selected Signing Service.

Non-repudiation and convenience

Non-repudiation is critical for maintaining security and trustworthiness for any business. The WYSIWYS technology ensures that users can be confident that what they see on their screen hasn’t been tampered with and that only an authentic document from the business can be signed. WYSIWYS, combined with audited security protocols, provides strong evidence in a court of law of the authenticity of a signature and its origin. Users can thereby sign legally binding documents or transactions from any connected device wherever they are – providing the best combination of security and user convenience.

Cryptomathic’s WYSIWYS Server

Cryptomathic’s WYSIWYS Server is a web application that provides zero-footprint interfaces to the user´s browser or app to deliver the WYSIWYS over a trusted viewer and perform document signing using the Selected Signing Service. The WYSIWYS Server is integrated into the application provider domain. This allows complete data privacy and streamlines the signing experience with an existing business workflow to ensure high user acceptance. The WYSIWYS Server supports input data in PDF or XML, and outputs signed data with PAdES and XAdES signature profiles, including LTA, the recommended signature profile for archived files. It handles PDF manipulation, conversion and renders images of the  PDF/XML data displayed in the WYSIWYS Client.

Swisscom Trust Services

The joint Selected Signing Service is a cloud service hosted at Swisscom’s data centers that allows you to sign electronically and timestamp documents and data in a legally compliant manner. Applications and portals benefit from running a highly available and secure signing service. You also benefit from Swisscom Trust Services' expertise as a legally recognized & qualified Trust and Certificate Service Provider (qTSP/CSP). The service can be used for digital signatures in all EU/EEA countries and Switzerland, regardless of where the organization is registered. This means that non-EU companies can also use the service for online transactions within the EU legal framework relying on the ETSI & CEN standards bound to the eIDAS regulation.

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