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Electronic signatures for the fintech and banking industry

Accelerate processes, increase customer satisfaction, and meet compliance requirements.

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Electronic signatures as enablers for the digital transformation

In the banking business and financial services, it is a particular case of digitalization. Because one thing is sure: a bank remains a bank and will not wholly digitize its business. Nevertheless, specific requirements arise about digitalization.

Electronic signatures are an essential part of the digital transformation for the fintech and banking industry. Electronic signatures can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of processes such as account opening, lending, and customer contracts.

Our solution can be seamlessly integrated with your existing software, helping you increase customer satisfaction, meet compliance requirements and save costs simultaneously.

In-depth information on digitalization in the financial sector

Digitalization in finance

Business benefits of electronic signatures for the fintech and banking industry


Improved customer experience
Electronic signatures enable customers to sign contracts and documents quickly and conveniently from anywhere without physically going to a bank branch or fintech company. This ensures an adequate modern interaction design that strengthens customer satisfaction and engagement.
Efficiency increase
Electronic signatures can speed up business processes and avoid manually processing documents. Automated document processing reduces errors and saves time that employees can use for other tasks.
Cost reduction
By using electronic signatures, companies can save on paper, printing, mailing, and storage costs incurred when using physical documents. These savings can add up to significant cost savings over time.
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Compliance and legal security
Electronic signatures can help ensure compliance and legal security. Electronic signatures are forgery-proof and are recognized as legally binding in European countries.

Some of the most common questions that fintech and banking companies have regarding electronic signatures are:


How secure are electronic signatures? Can they be forgery-proof?

Our electronic signature solution uses the latest encryption and security technologies to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the signature. The signature is provided with a unique digital certificate that cannot be tampered with.


How can I ensure that the signature is legally binding?

Our electronic signature solution complies with the applicable legal requirements and is recognized as legally binding in many countries. Our solution is continuously rigorously reviewed by experienced legal experts and complies with current legal requirements.


How can I track and archive documents that have been electronically signed?

Our solution offers comprehensive document archiving, ensuring that all electronically signed documents are secure and easily accessible. You can store all documents in your fintech or banking system and access them from there.


How easy is integrating the electronic signature solution into my existing system?

Our solution is fully customizable and can be seamlessly integrated into your existing system. We offer an API that allows you to integrate the electronic signature solution into your existing software. Our team can also help you integrate and customize the solution to your requirements.

Case study: Digital processes in finance with ROCKON

Fully digital processes in finance

Products and solutions

Electronic signature

  • Embedded remote signature software through easy standardized API's
  • Enables partner applications to implement electronic signature processes on digital documents
  • eIDAS- and ZertES-compliant qualified and advanced electronic signatures

Electronic seal

  • Easily integratable white-label sealing solution
  • Enables partner applications to implement electronic sealing processes
  • Qualified resp. regulated and advanced e-seals compliant with eIDAS & ZertES for public institutions and companies


  • Largest selection of identification methods for electronic signature registration solutions (compliant with eIDAS and ZertEs)
  • Enables seamless integration into partner applications, offering a digital signature experience tailored to the customer’s needs


  • Wide range of authentication solutions available as approval methods for electronic signatures.
  • Allows partner applications to implement a signature process where signatories can register for their preferred approval method.