Author: Marco Schmid

Partnership between Swisscom Trust Services and EasySend

Israeli start-up and Swiss trust service provider conclude technology partnership for the European market // Smooth digital contract conclusion // Convenient help filling out digital forms.

Tel Aviv/ Berlin, October 2020 - Swisscom Trust Services and EasySend are entering a strategic partnership to enable a seamless digital user experience even in highly regulated industries. With a focus on the insurance and banking market, EasySend offers a no-code platform that makes it easy to digitize the completion of contract forms. Swisscom ensures that processes are legally binding through the qualified electronic signature as a trust service provider.

Digitize contract conclusions

Financial service providers and insurers operate in a market with high regulatory hurdles. This makes it challenging to digitalize and thus simplify the relationship with the customer comprehensively. In many cases, a written contract is still necessary, for example, when customers want to open a new securities account in the private banking sector. Life and credit default insurance, as well as damage reports, also often still require the paper form. With the extensive forms, it is easy for customers to make mistakes when filling them out. These are usually only discovered by the responsible clerk after being sent, further complicating the already lengthy process.

With the EasySend solution, companies can map these processes in a digital framework. The no-code platform does not require any programming skills on the user's part. The white-label solution integrates with CRM and BPM and acts as a layer between the customer and the company's systems. The collaborative approach is constructive when concluding contracts: clerks can fill out the documents with the customer in real-time and correct them if necessary. Incorrectly completed documents are thus a thing of the past. The visualization of processes also shows exactly where customers have problems and abandon the process, which can improve completion rates.

EasySend works with over 90 percent of Israeli insurers and has customer relationships with German insurance companies such as R+V Versicherung and Nürnberger Versicherung.

A certified electronic signature creates trust and convenience at the same time.

However, the German and European market requires different regulations than those that apply in Israel, for example. The eIDAS (EU) and ZertES (Switzerland) regulations establish the qualified electronic signature as the only digital alternative to the handwritten signature, which is equal in almost all areas. Despite these bureaucratic differences, the electronic signature remains the most convenient and fastest way for users to express their will. This unambiguous declaration of intent is necessary for the conclusion of a contract: customers can make it, for example, by entering a mobile TAN.

By combining the services of Swisscom Trust Services and EasySend, it is now possible to directly sign a document that a customer has filled out electronically. This drastically reduces the time it takes to conclude a contract. What used to take days or weeks can now be completed in under an hour. Thanks to the full integration into customer platforms, nothing changes for the end users in their familiar environment. However, a media break in the customer journey is avoided, and the process becomes much smoother for customers.

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