Option 1:
As an RA agent, please check whether you have not registered the person with the RA app demo version. In the RA app demo version, no ID data will be transmitted, and the registered person also does not receive the SMS with the terms and conditions.
Option 2:
As an RA agent, you can contact your responsible Master RA agent and ask them to look up the mobile number of the registered person in the RA admin portal. The Master RA Agent can re-trigger sending the SMS containing the terms and conditions to the affected person.
Option 3:
The registered person can check their registration status for QES on our Smartflow website and accept the terms and conditions of the Signing Service there.
Option 4:
Please refer to our Service Status page, whether there are any interruptions. Please inform our support if the person still needs to receive the SMS.
Kindly note, that not all providers support the reception of this particular SMS, especially in non-EU/EEA countries. In this case, a registration for the electronic signature is not possible.