SRS eID DE - identification with German eID

Requirements, service hours, supported languages, required ID documents, registration for signature level...

SRS eID DE, in cooperation with our partner IDnow uses the German electronic ID function of the German ID card. During the identification, the German eID data is read out using the NFC function of your smartphone. The identification method enables the identification and registration for: 

  • QES in the EU according to EU regulation eIDAS
  • AES in Switzerland according to Swiss Signature Act ZertES.

After successful identification with German eID, a person can sign electronically for up to 2 years without re-registration.

Supported languages of video agents:

  • German and English

The service hours of SRS eID DE are 24 h / 7 days.

SRS eID DE supports the following ID document:

  • German ID card with activated eID functionality

Customers of SRS eID DE need to download a mobile app from our partner IDnow. The app is certified and functions as an ID card reader using the NFC function on their smartphone.