As a Master RA Agent, you have the following options:
- Check the RA agent’s entry in the RA admin portal (menu tab “Agents”), is the status “Confirmed & Signed”?
- If the RA agent’s status is ok, the RA agent may have received a new SIM card or re-activated the Mobile ID without using the recovery code or forgot their password for the password and SMS code method. If this is the case, this person must register again, and the RA Agent role needs to be reassigned.
- Furthermore, check the user entry of the RA agent: Is there at least one “green bar”? Or has the identification document perhaps expired? Or has the RA agent been registered meanwhile? In these cases, as the Master RA agent, you must delete and reassign the RA agent role to the respective person.
As a Standard RA Agent, you have the following options:
- Reboot the mobile phone: As we all know, a reboot is always good for you!
- For Mobile ID users: Test your Mobile ID at
In the following situations, you must be registered again and reassigned as an RA agent by your responsible Master RA agent:
You have,
- A new mobile number
- A new SIM card
- A new mobile phone
- Switched to eSIM
- activated your Mobile ID SIM or Mobile ID app without using the recovery code.
- Changed your authentication method, e.g., from Mobile ID SIM to Mobile ID app or vice versa; from password SMS code method to Mobile ID and vice versa.
- Transferred your mobile phone contract, e.g., also changed provider
- Got a new passport or ID card because the old document had expired.