Swisscom Trust Services > Service Status

Information on Major Incident 2024-09-11

Written by Ingmar Schmidt | Sep 18, 2024 1:40:47 PM
We would like to inform you about the background to the outage of the following services on Wednesday, 11 September 2024:

- Smart Flows (authentication and thus connectivity to the service)
- SRS Ident website (carrying out identifications)
- DocuSign Connector (signing with Swisscom Trust Services via DocuSign)
- SRS (authentication and thus connectivity to the service)

During the night of Wednesday, maintenance work was carried out in the Swisscom Cloud, causing the databases required for authentication (UAA) and the use of the above-mentioned services to fail. As a result, a number of services went down unexpectedly for several hours.

Some peripheral systems were also affected, which made communication and processing of this incident, which is classified as a major incident, even more difficult. Swisscom Trust Services was informed from 08:00 about the problems that occurred and the subsequent outages of its own services.

The restoration and gradual commissioning of the services lasted until 22:00. For this reason, it was not possible for us to provide earlier information about the scope and expected resolution times.

The complete elimination of the consequential effects and ensuring operational safety took until Thursday 12 September at around 09:00.

We apologize for the resulting downtime and the limited communication regarding the availability of services.

Swisscom Trust Services