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Passkeys Explained: Your Questions Answered | Trust Blog

Written by Peter Amrhyn | 5/15/24 1:03 PM

What are Passkeys?

Passkeys represent a sophisticated approach to authentication that goes beyond the traditional reliance on passwords. Essentially, they utilize asymmetric cryptography, a method that employs two public and private keys. In this setup, the user holds a private key, securely stored on their device, while the service provider has the corresponding public key.

During authentication, the service provider issues a challenge, to which the user's device responds by digitally signing the challenge with its private key. The service provider then verifies this signature using the public key, establishing the user's identity without creating cumbersome passwords.

Who are Passkeys relevant for, and what advantages do they offer compared to passwords?

Passkeys are suitable for individuals and organizations, especially those looking for improved security and ease of use. They offer several advantages over passwords. First, they streamline the authentication process, eliminating users' need to remember complex passwords or undergo frequent password resets. Second, Passkeys enhances security by eliminating the risk of password-related breaches, as the private key remains securely stored on the user's device, inaccessible to potential attackers. Passkeys also reduce the threat of phishing attacks because there's no shared secret to intercept.

In which industries and professional contexts could Passkeys be beneficial, and what specific challenges could they address?

Passkeys hold promise across various industries, particularly those where data security is paramount. Passkeys provide robust protection against unauthorized access and data breaches in healthcare, government, and finance sectors. They address the challenges of password fatigue, compliance with stringent security standards, and the need for seamless authentication across multiple platforms and services. Passkeys enable organizations to protect sensitive information and maintain customer trust by providing a secure and easy-to-use authentication solution. Passkeys are a perfect technology for implementing electronic signatures that are very user-friendly and secure.

What advantages do Passkeys offer compared to traditional passwords?

Passkeys offer several advantages over traditional passwords, primarily in security, convenience, and ease of use. Unlike passwords, which are vulnerable to brute force attacks and phishing scams, Passkeys use asymmetric cryptography, making them virtually immune to such threats. In addition, Passkeys relieve users of the burden of password management by eliminating the need to remember passwords or use password managers. This not only increases security but also improves user satisfaction and productivity.

How do Passkeys address security concerns and privacy requirements?

Passkeys are designed with security and privacy in mind. Passkeys use asymmetric cryptography to ensure that sensitive authentication data is always protected. Using a private key stored on the user's device reduces the risk of unauthorized access, while the absence of a shared secret eliminates the vulnerabilities associated with password-based authentication. In addition, Passkeys adhere to strict privacy standards as the user retains complete control of their private key, preventing unauthorized access or data compromise.

What implementation challenges could arise when introducing Passkeys, and how can they be overcome?

Although implementing passkeys can present particular challenges, these can be overcome with careful planning and execution. One potential hurdle is ensuring interoperability across disparate systems and platforms, particularly in environments with diverse user bases and legacy infrastructure. In addition, organizations need to address user adoption and training concerns, as transitioning from traditional passwords to Passkeys requires changing mindset and behavior. Providing comprehensive training and support can help reduce resistance and facilitate a smooth transition. Organizations must implement robust security protocols to protect user's private keys from theft or misuse, using encryption, multi-factor authentication, and other measures to protect sensitive information. Overall, by proactively addressing these challenges, organizations can realize the full potential of Passkeys to enhance security, streamline authentication, and improve the user experience.

What do I need to do to get started with Passkeys?

Rely on a trusted partner to start the journey with Passkeys and take digital authentication to new heights! Swisscom Trust Services can provide a tailored solution to meet your needs as the leading experts in Passkeys. Our dedicated team is here to ensure a seamless transition to Passkeys and help you reap the benefits of this innovative technology.

Contact us today to learn more about our world-class passkey solutions and establish yourself as a digital security leader!